Wednesday, April 16, 2008

this is a story of a guy who went mad for an angel Part 3

Memories of prom nights dont last for long in Acmar. Simply because, prom nights were experienced every year! Acmar was so small, that if only the seniors turned up, it wont be much of an event.
A couple of weeks passed. Jazz was probably still floating a few inches above the ground. He decided to bake his specialty dessert. Non-baked choco-biscuit fudge. Not really for himself, but he made it for Emz. One day along the school corridor, where she usually stood by the railing with her mate Mal, Jazz took the opportunity to offer her some of the choco-dessert. Well wouldn't it be weird if he suddenly barged into her class room and said "hey, got cookies for ya".
His heart and stomach sank when she declined his offer. Oh well, she was probably concerned that the few grams of fudge would discreetly turn into 16 ounces (yes thats 1 pound) in her tummy, ballooning her into ghastly proportions.
not wanting the dessert to go to waste, he gave them to his classmates to indulge. Take that! He silently wished it would turn them into Acmarian Michelin men.

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